Be An Original: Embrace Your Weird


In this pre-recorded, 75 minute class, we work through a Kundalini Global yoga series called Be An Original.

The intention for the class is about embracing your quirks, eccentricities, and those parts of yourself you may have rejected in the name of fitting in. . .

On purchase, you will be emailed the link to watch and, if you choose to, download the video.


This yoga series works strongly on the abdominal region and on the heart. There is a vulnerability in being yourself, eccentricities and all, and having the ability to hold yourself in that is important.

You may wish to have a few cushions, a blanket, and any props that you know work for you with Bow. Alternates are offered for the postures that many find particularly challenging. 

If you have any questions about the class please email me: 

I was on my mat one morning, fully immersed in an enthusiastic Gas Pose, when the idea for this class popped into my mind. Divine inspiration? Perhaps. It was actually inspired by my 90s playlist which had shuffled itself to Sit Down by James. An anthem for my intention in teaching.

For anyone too young to know or remember Sit Down, it was written in 1988 by the lead singer of the band, Tim Booth. He was said to be lonely and depressed at the time. He found solace and comfort in the writing of  was Doris Lessing and the music of Patti Smith (two real originals). The song, he has said, was a thank you to them.

When I think about logging into Zoom, holding the stories of my own life, the lyrics: 

Those who feel the breath of sadness

Sit down next to me

Those who find they’re touched by madness

Sit down next to me

Those who find themselves ridiculous

Sit down next to me

In love, in fear, in hate, in tears…

That’s what I want my classes to offer. Respite. Solace. Community. Alongside the mental and physical reset of the breath and movement. And for anyone who feels out of place in other places… for anyone who feels lonely or misunderstood… for those who enjoy weird and need somewhere to express and move with that.

Of course, you’re extremely welcome to do the class if you’re the most popular, calm, collected cookie in the cookie jar too. Make yourself know when you come live. You can teach us about the other side. 

The classes available to purchase in the section of my website are recordings from my regular, live, Tuesday evening, class on Zoom.

Joining classes live is fun. Why not give it a try?

If you have any questions about the class, don’t hesitate to contact me:

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